About me
My research activities in brief
I am a PhD student in Design at Politecnico di Milano, in the Design Department. I am a member of FIP | Fashion in Process, a Design Research Laboratory of the Design Department, and the FoReSeE Research Centre | Forecasting Retail Service Experiences Research Centre, also affiliated with the Design Department.
Bio & resume
My academic career summary
Throughout my career, as a designer, researcher, and adjunct professor, I have collaborated with i3Lab Politecnico di Milano, IED Moda, NABA, Triennale di Milano, Libera Università di Bolzano, Corraini Publishing, Pietro Corraini, and Matteo Ragni Design Studio. I received an honorable mention at the Compasso d’Oro Award for the workshop “STAMPATELLE: messaggi buoni da mangiare”
Principal research interests
A summary of my research activity.