Universita di Genova

Andrea Vian

Associate Professor in Digital design @ Clarity Studio
Università degli Studi di Genova

Andrea Vian

A well-designed life is generative, creative, productive, changing, evolving, and there is always the possibility of surprise - B. Burnett

  • Human centered design

  • Life design

  • Ai driven web design

About me

My research activities in brief

Digital innovation and life design through human-centered design and AI and data-driven methods

Bio & resume

My academic career summary

I received my master’s degree in Architecture and Ph.D. degree in Design from the University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, working on digital tools for 3D representation and modeling for design and architectural applications. For more than a decade I have been the scientfic advisor and leading scientist of the digital lab at my department, also acting as the main referent for the digital network architecture design and maintenance.
I currently am Associate Professor of Design with the University of Genoa.


Principal research interests

As a digital designer, I investigate UX, UI and accessibility within the human centered design paradigm. My current research focuses on the study, design and implementation of complex web systems, hybrid human-AI applications, and digital innovation processes that are fundamental to govern the exponential change of technology and society.


Professional achievements

Throughout my career I had the opportunity of coordinating large-scale projects of digital innovation and web communication


Courses and teaching activities

I teach many courses at the intersection of design, computer science and design thinking.